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Top 5 Vape Tanks to Buy in 2021

best vape tanks in 2021

The Best Vape Tanks to buy in 2021

Yes, vape tanks come and go – heck, vape brands themselves come and go! Anyone remember Kangertech? The big boys who dominated the vaping industry arguably kick-started the sub-ohm ‘trend’ which later became the vaping norm. It wasn’t until tanks like the Subtank Mini arrived in the UK the vaping community knew anything about high vg juice, direct-to-lung vaping or massive clouds. But here we are, over 5 years later, comparing the very best in sub-ohm tanks. And so, without further ado, here’s The Vapour Room’s selection of the best vape tanks to buy in 2021:

top 5 Vape Tanks : The Roundup

1. Falcon King tank

best vape tank for coil life

First released in 2019, its sales continue to rise above its competitors, older AND newer!

Using innovation that later inspired others, Horizontech arguably paved the way for ‘new-age’ sub-ohm tanks with its new wicking material. It looks like cotton, it works like cotton, but it isn’t cotton? Instead of filling coils with the same material every other tank had done beforehand, they packed it with a wood-pulp/cotton mixture.

Sceptical as to how this would affect performance, we were astonished at how much of an effect this actually had. The M1 coils in particular, now lasted twice as long (or longer!) than any other tank on the market.

The Falcon King comes with a push-button top so juice-filling is easy, and there’s an array of alternative falcon coils to try – this included the M1+ and the M-Dual, both integrating bamboo fibre. While the flavour of the M1+ seems marginally better than its predecessor (M1), we find it doesn’t last as long, and while the M-Dual offers a higher wattage capability, we still preferred the overall performance of the M1.

Perhaps the only downsides is that the tank doesn’t happily sit above 90 watts, even with its most powerful coil. For most vapers this isn’t an issue – and vaping at around 70w is more than enough. Conclusively landing the Falcon King in our top 5 best vape tanks to buy in 2021.

2. Tfv mini v2 tank

best comeback

Smok’ have been at the epicentre of vape debates for both good and bad reasons over the years.

You may hear the name and, at the very least, recognise it. Others will hear the name and wince. And here’s why… After the launch of their TFV series over five years ago, Smok established a brand name which seemed to dominate the industry.

Smok’s quality, workmanship and innovation lead a fantastic example and created one of the world’s leading vape brands.

BUT, quality seemingly declined. Could Smok have gotten too big for their boots? Quickly diminishing quality in coils became synonymous with the Smok brand name, now less-well built and rapidly declining in quality, it appeared vape enthusiasts lost faith in the brand. In came the TFV mini v2. After many (and we mean MANY) new tanks, a confusing array of versions of this tank and a confusing array of variations in that, Smok finally released a tank whose coils did the brand justice.

TFV mini v2 coils uses a selection of mixed-wicking material, suspiciously similar to those of the Horizontech Falcon tank) and relatively cheap to by. Flavour was improved, coil longevity was fixed and the Smok customer happy once more. So whether you like Smok or not, the TFV Mini V2 has earned it’s place as one of 2021’s best vape tanks.

3. Freemax Mesh pro tank

best vape tank for Power

It was billed as ‘the tank to rival rebuildables’ – a bold claim made about the original Freemax Mesh Pro tank, but one we think it lives up to. In the earlier days of sub-ohm vaping, building your own coils and dripping juice by hand was the best way to get the best power, flavour and clouds but then along came Freemax with this utterly epic tank.

The chunky, well-built beast delivers on huge flavour, and enough clouds to set all your fire alarms off. The version 2 tackled the only problem we thought the version 1 had – a sliding fill-lid prone to slipping open in your pocket. Ball bearings and an altered slide design has completely fixed this.

The only downside is the tank still comes with single and dual mesh coils, and not the crowning glory – the Freemax Mesh Pro QUAD coil. This 80 to 120w coil proves that pre-built coils can give every cloud-chasing, flavour seeker the juice hit they strive for. The Freemax Mesh Pro has always been a great tank for power and flavour and is continuing it’s legacy through 2021.

4. Voopoo pnp pod/tank

best innovation

The Voopoo PNP pod system sneaked into our top 5 tanks list despite not actually fitting the characteristics of what we’ve come to know as a ‘tank’, and deservedly so.

Could this be the new era of vaping: push-fit coils and plastic pods? It certainly seems that way with the release of the hugely popular Voopoo Drag S and X kits. Both award-winning best sellers – those particular Voopoo Drag kits hit the vape world by storm last year, and it appears every vaper’s got one.

From the coil-building custard addict who’s been using mechs for the last 10 years, to the average 20-a-day smoke 60-year-old looking to give up the habit of a life time. Their appeal was so large, they quickly became The Vapour Room’s fastest-selling kit of all time.

The key was in the coils. The Voopoo Drag kits pack such a surprisingly powerful punch for such a small kit, thanks to coil versatility: multi-mesh ensures even heating distribution. This means you can enjoy dense vapour, improved flavour and longer. If your after the most modern technology and innovation then the VooPoo PNP Pod tank could be the best option for you.

5. nexMesh pro tank

best vape tank for flavour

With vape manufacturers continually looking for the next best thing, the newest innovation and better ways to improve coil longevity and flavour – Wotofo launched the NexMESH Pro tank, pairing a mesh coil with a parallel wire coil promised to create a ‘whole new meaning to flavour’. And it did.

Not only does the tank look the part, it tickles the tastebuds in a whole new way. The depth of flavour gives best-seller Falcon King a very VERY good run for its money and, while the NexMesh Pro Tank coils don’t last as long, we found that for proper flavour chasers the inevitable pay off is worth it.

Getting your head round the numerous coil variations is, to some, a headache, however. To others, going through different coils every time it’s time to fit a new one is part of the pleasure. From a single Clapton inner wire wrapped Ni80 outer (#H12 coil) to an all-the-rage conical mesh coil (#H13 coil) there’s something to tickle the tastebuds for all advanced and medium vapers alike. And with a rebuildable deck optional extra, Wotofo hit the proverbial nail on the head. Overall, the best vape tank for flavour carries it’s crown above the Nexmesh Pro tank as one of the greatest vape tanks to buy in 2021.